Automated Payments, Prepayments and Pre-Authorisations and a reporting system for each transaction and each booking
With the advent of PSD2 and especially with the upcoming PSD3 in force from February/March 2025, credit card debit procedures are and will be increasingly restrictive. For this reason, ErmesHotels, together with hotels such as the Quisisana in Capri and hotel groups such as Mangia's and Bluserena, has developed a unique tool capable of resolving any type of dispute or difficulty in the area of payments. Fully automated.
For every transaction both direct, through Booking Engine, Quotation and Cro, and for OTA bookings.
Payments and prepayments
and debits in the Hotel
The ErmesHotels tool works with whatever type of gateway you use in your hotel, the automation features are in our system. With PCM, no-show charges are automatic and not disputable.
MOREPre-Authorisation and SCA
(Strong Customer Authentication)
With PCM, the hotel can go back to automatically pre-authorising the cards of incoming customers, reducing operations, and safely. complying with regulations. The hotel can also choose to block funds on the customer's card.
MOREReport & Analysis
on all bookings
An accurate report, by date of booking, arrival, departure or payment, which links all bookings to their payment. An easy-to-read and immediate report.